Some foods that should be present at the table for breakfast and that are excellent for healthy weight loss are:
Citrus fruits such as pineapple, strawberries, raspberries or kiwi: these fruits, besides having few calories, have a lot of water and fibers that are responsible for reducing hunger during the morning and regulating the intestine, thus reducing abdominal distension;
Citrus fruits such as pineapple, strawberries, raspberries or kiwi: these fruits, besides having few calories, have a lot of water and fibers that are responsible for reducing hunger during the morning and regulating the intestine, thus reducing abdominal distension;
Skim milk or other soya, oatmeal, rice, coconut or almond drinks: contain a large amount of calcium, and have fewer calories, increasing the nutritional value of breakfast without damaging the diet;
Granola, whole wheat bread or oatmeal pancakes, as they are good sources of fibers, vitamins, and minerals that help increase the feeling of fullness, decreasing hunger and favoring weight loss. They also stimulate the intestine and increase the volume of feces, regulating bowel movements and reducing constipation.

An alternative to vary breakfast and not gain weight is to replace milk with skim yogurt. And to accompany the bread, the best option is to place a slice of low-fat white cheese.
6 Healthy breakfast options
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day to increase performance and ensure well-being. For those people who usually have breakfast you must make one of the following options:
1- A French or whole wheat bread with white cheese and a glass of orange juice;
Granola with a natural yogurt and fruit pieces;
1- A French or whole wheat bread with white cheese and a glass of orange juice;
Granola with a natural yogurt and fruit pieces;
3-Coffee with skim milk and no sugar, a cereal bread with a teaspoon of butter and a pear;
4-Whole grains with mixed fruits with almond milk;
5-Scrambled eggs with whole-wheat toast with a strawberry milkshake prepared with coconut milk;
6-Banana oatmeal pancakes with peanut butter and chopped strawberries.
The amounts vary from one person to another, since it will depend on weight, age, gender, if you perform physical activity and if you are working on increasing muscle mass.
Some people do not have the habit of having breakfast, however, you should try to at least start the day with a drink such as fruit juice, water with lemon, skim milk or liquid yogurt.
Fitness recipes for breakfast
1. Banana oatmeal pancake
- 1 banana;
- 1 egg;
- 4 tbsp oat bran;
- 1 tsp of cinnamon or natural cocoa powder.
- 1 tsp of cinnamon or natural cocoa powder.
Preparation Mode
Knead the banana and mix with the egg, oatmeal, and cinnamon, beating everything with a fork. Avoid blending or using a whisk so that it is not too liquid. Then coconut oil should be spread in a pan, removing the excess and place the mixture until golden brown, then it must be turned so that it can be cooked on the other side.
2. Wholemeal yogurt bread

- 1 vaso de you're natural;
- Con la misma medida del vaso de yogur, medir la misma cantidad de harina de trigo integral;
- Espolvorear hierbas como orégano o romero;
- Sal al gusto.
Modo de preparación
Mezcle los ingredientes en removiendo con una cuchara y después basta hacer como una panqueca. Vierta la sartén con aceite de oliva, luego retire el exceso y luego ponga un poco de masa hasta que se dore, luego debe voltearse para que se pueda cocinar del otro lado. Puede comerse con queso blanco y tomate, por ejemplo.
3. Batido de frutas
- 1 skimmed yogurt;
- 2 tablespoons oatmeal or oat bran;
- 1 brazil nut or 3 almonds;
- 1/2 small papaya (150 g);
- 2 tablespoons avocado;
Preparation Mode
- Mix everything in the blender and take next.
4. Integral homemade cookie

Homemade wholemeal cookies are a great option when preparing a perfect snack for the little ones and those who are not so much, because you only need a few ingredients and little time to make them.
In this rich whole grain cookie recipe, we have used whole wheat flour but you can vary the ingredients and use whole grain oatmeal or other cereal that you like. Do not think about it anymore and encourage yourself to make some rich integral cookies with for the whole family!
Steps to follow to make this recipe:
1. The first step in making these rich whole wheat crackers is to sift the flour with corolla powder, baking powder, cinnamon powder and a pinch of salt. The oven must also be preheated to 180-200 ºC.
Trick: The corolla can also be called according to the country ”royal sedge, coyotillo, cyperus, castanet, scallion, purple nut, corolla or coquito”.
2. In another bowl, mix the butter with the paperboard or the whole muscovado sugar until the butter is completely dissolved and integrated with the rest of the ingredients of these rich integral cookies.
3. Next, beat the sifted flour mixture, corocillo powder, baking powder, cinnamon powder and salt with the butter and paperboard or sugar mixture until a creamy mixture is obtained and then, if the dough of the homemade wholemeal cookies seems dry, add some corocillo water.
4. Then place a vegetable paper on a baking sheet and go forming the rich integral cookies with your hands, taking balls of dough and crush them a little.
5. Finally, place the tray in the oven and bake the rich whole-grain cookies for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Enjoy your meal!
Trick: The corolla can also be called according to the country ”royal sedge, coyotillo, cyperus, castanet, scallion, purple nut, corolla or coquito”.
2. In another bowl, mix the butter with the paperboard or the whole muscovado sugar until the butter is completely dissolved and integrated with the rest of the ingredients of these rich integral cookies.
3. Next, beat the sifted flour mixture, corocillo powder, baking powder, cinnamon powder and salt with the butter and paperboard or sugar mixture until a creamy mixture is obtained and then, if the dough of the homemade wholemeal cookies seems dry, add some corocillo water.
4. Then place a vegetable paper on a baking sheet and go forming the rich integral cookies with your hands, taking balls of dough and crush them a little.
5. Finally, place the tray in the oven and bake the rich whole-grain cookies for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Enjoy your meal!
5. Yogurt mix with nuts
How breakfast should be for those who do weights
For those who make breakfast and shortly thereafter perform a weight routine, this meal should provide adequate amounts of protein to improve muscle performance, avoid wear, promote post-workout muscle recovery and promote muscle hypertrophy. Some foods high in protein are eggs, whey protein, and yogurt, for example. See a more complete list.
Likewise, it is also necessary to combine a carbohydrate at breakfast, since glucose is the muscle fuel, generating the energy needed to perform the training. The amounts to consume both protein and carbohydrates depend on the time between food and exercise, because if the training will be 1 hour after eating, ideally consume yogurt with fruit, for example, something much lighter If the training will be after 2 hours, breakfast could already be much more complete.
In the case of those people who train very early and depending on what the physical activity is, it is important to eat some light food such as a strawberry juice, a banana or a cereal bar. But after training, it is important to make a full and healthy breakfast so that the muscle recovers properly and promotes muscle hypertrophy.
Likewise, it is also necessary to combine a carbohydrate at breakfast, since glucose is the muscle fuel, generating the energy needed to perform the training. The amounts to consume both protein and carbohydrates depend on the time between food and exercise, because if the training will be 1 hour after eating, ideally consume yogurt with fruit, for example, something much lighter If the training will be after 2 hours, breakfast could already be much more complete.
In the case of those people who train very early and depending on what the physical activity is, it is important to eat some light food such as a strawberry juice, a banana or a cereal bar. But after training, it is important to make a full and healthy breakfast so that the muscle recovers properly and promotes muscle hypertrophy.