These foods that nature gives us, low in calories and fat, will allow you to get rid of those extra kilos, becoming the best ally in your fight to lose weight.
10 fruits that help you lose weight
1.- Apples
_ Apples contain a soluble fiber called pectin, which helps reduce blood cholesterol and prevents it from accumulating in the walls of blood vessels.
_ They also contain large amounts of potassium, a mineral that helps control blood pressure and can reduce the risk of a heart attack.
_ Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that is also found in apples and has been shown to help protect human brain neurons.
_ When fermented in the colon, the natural fiber in apples produces chemicals that help prevent the formation of cancer cells.
2.- Raspberries
Raspberries can help decrease the risk of heart attacks in women. This was demonstrated by a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health. It showed that sustained consumption can reduce the risk of heart attack by 32% in young and middle-aged women.
This is because flavonoids and polyphenols prevent the accumulation of platelets and the reduction of blood pressure through anti-inflammatory mechanisms.
They have large amounts of fiber, are low in calories and contain a good level of folic acid and zinc. A cup of raspberries has approximately 60 calories.

This is because flavonoids and polyphenols prevent the accumulation of platelets and the reduction of blood pressure through anti-inflammatory mechanisms.
They have large amounts of fiber, are low in calories and contain a good level of folic acid and zinc. A cup of raspberries has approximately 60 calories.

3.- Strawberries
Rich and nutritious strawberries have several properties that benefit health, but above all, it is an excellent fruit to detoxify the body and lose weight naturally.
Eating strawberries helps prevent fluid retention, as well as reducing high levels of bad cholesterol. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory and contains a good level of fiber that helps fight constipation and is mineralizing because it contains magnesium.
They are full of vitamins and minerals. They also contain a healthy dose of fiber that decreases carbohydrate absorption and digestion, while controlling blood sugar levels.

Eating strawberries helps prevent fluid retention, as well as reducing high levels of bad cholesterol. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory and contains a good level of fiber that helps fight constipation and is mineralizing because it contains magnesium.
They are full of vitamins and minerals. They also contain a healthy dose of fiber that decreases carbohydrate absorption and digestion, while controlling blood sugar levels.

4.- Oranges
Oranges are full of nutrients and are a fruit highly prized for its high vitamin C content. What you might not know is that the orange peel also has beneficial health properties and also helps you lose weight.
Among its health benefits, it stands out that they favor the functioning of the immune system, keeps blood glucose levels under control, reduces blood pressure, controls cholesterol and are good for the skin.
They have a high content of vitamin C, as well as a good source of fiber, folic acid, and calcium. Among its many properties, it is found to be good for digestion, for the liver and also for metabolism.

Among its health benefits, it stands out that they favor the functioning of the immune system, keeps blood glucose levels under control, reduces blood pressure, controls cholesterol and are good for the skin.
They have a high content of vitamin C, as well as a good source of fiber, folic acid, and calcium. Among its many properties, it is found to be good for digestion, for the liver and also for metabolism.

5.- Arándanos
Los arándanos son ideales para una dieta saludable y para perder peso, ya que contienen una gran cantidad de fibra y un bajo poder calórico. Esto hace que esta fruta sea una alternativa saludable, que ayuda a regular la función intestinal y te ayuda a sentirte más saciado gracias a la fibra.
Debe beber un jugo de arándano fresco diariamente con el estómago vacÃo, o comer dos tazas de estos solamente. Nunca agregue azúcares o cualquier otra cosa a los arándanos en ayunas para que puedan actuar de manera potente en su cuerpo.
Después de comer los arándanos, beba un vaso de agua tibia, dos cucharadas de aceite de oliva virgen extra y debe esperar de 15 a 20 minutos antes de comer cualquier otra cosa.
Debe beber 5 vasos de jugo de arándano durante el dÃa, pero la clave es que siempre lo beba con el estómago vacÃo, sin comer nada, veinte minutos antes de comer o una hora después de comer.
Un vaso de jugo equivale aproximadamente a dos tazas de arándanos frescos. Debe asegurarse de que la fruta esté fresca, preferiblemente orgánica, lávela muy bien si es necesario y evite que se almacene durante mucho tiempo.

Debe beber un jugo de arándano fresco diariamente con el estómago vacÃo, o comer dos tazas de estos solamente. Nunca agregue azúcares o cualquier otra cosa a los arándanos en ayunas para que puedan actuar de manera potente en su cuerpo.
Después de comer los arándanos, beba un vaso de agua tibia, dos cucharadas de aceite de oliva virgen extra y debe esperar de 15 a 20 minutos antes de comer cualquier otra cosa.
Debe beber 5 vasos de jugo de arándano durante el dÃa, pero la clave es que siempre lo beba con el estómago vacÃo, sin comer nada, veinte minutos antes de comer o una hora después de comer.
Un vaso de jugo equivale aproximadamente a dos tazas de arándanos frescos. Debe asegurarse de que la fruta esté fresca, preferiblemente orgánica, lávela muy bien si es necesario y evite que se almacene durante mucho tiempo.

6 .- Melon
You can lose weight thanks to a good melon cleansing cure. In addition, it is possible to eliminate toxic wastes that accumulate in our bodies. The components of this fruit provide many benefits, especially detoxifiers and diuretics.
Its consistency is basically based on water and fiber, so it is very low in calories. It is advisable to eat it instead of treats and helps eliminate fats and toxins.

Its consistency is basically based on water and fiber, so it is very low in calories. It is advisable to eat it instead of treats and helps eliminate fats and toxins.

7.- Grapefruit
Grapefruit is the one that loses weight because it has very few calories and many benefits. We can eat it without fear because it has no fat, it has a lot of vitamin C, water and fiber that, even if you don't believe it, will allow you to satisfy your hunger. That way you will not eat the unnecessary and lose weight quickly.
This fruit has high levels of fiber and is low in calories. They contain vitamin C, rose varieties also contain beta carotene. Fiber is a mixture of soluble (good for the heart) and insoluble (good for the intestines).

This fruit has high levels of fiber and is low in calories. They contain vitamin C, rose varieties also contain beta carotene. Fiber is a mixture of soluble (good for the heart) and insoluble (good for the intestines).

8.- Papaya
If your goal is to lose weight as soon as possible, papaya will help you without hesitation, since it is a fruit that is taken with all the world's diets, thanks to its antioxidant properties, its large amount of vitamins A and C and its low percentage of calories
This fruit will bring several benefits to your body, as they contain many different nutrients, such as calcium, folic acid, vitamin C, fiber and carotenoids. In addition, its high fiber content will help normalize digestive functions.

This fruit will bring several benefits to your body, as they contain many different nutrients, such as calcium, folic acid, vitamin C, fiber and carotenoids. In addition, its high fiber content will help normalize digestive functions.

9.- Kiwi
The kiwi smoothie to lose weight that I am going to teach you today I use it regularly in my diet since it is a very healthy recipe for all the properties that kiwi gives you. Also, I have selected some ingredients that will be great if you are thinking of dieting.
Kiwi smoothie to detoxify you
- Medium cucumber
- Apple.
- Medium Kiwi
- Fresh spinach
- The juice of half a lemon.
- A slice of ginger.
- Nuts or nuts of your choice (optional).
- First, peel the kiwi and wash the spinach well.
- Place all ingredients, except nuts, in the blender glass and mix well.
- Once everything is well processed, serve it in a glass and add the nuts of your choice to give it a unique texture.
This fruit is low in calories and contains a lot of fiber that will make your body work to better digest all its foods. In addition, the soluble fibers it contains help suppress appetite.

This fruit is low in calories and contains a lot of fiber that will make your body work to better digest all its foods. In addition, the soluble fibers it contains help suppress appetite.

10.- Pineapple
It is considered a food with negative calories, that is, 100 grams of pineapple has only 55 calories. Its volume is greater than the number of calories, therefore, in a lot of pineapples, you consume a few calories. You are hungry due to its high water content and its large amount of fiber is laxative.